PT PGAS Telekomunikasi Nusantara (PGNCOM) as a company that has successfully implemented Digital Tra
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President Director of PT. PGAS Telekomunikasi Nusantara (PGNCOM), Dwika Agustianto had the opportunity to attend the National Working Meeting and Open Policy Meeting (OPM) on June 26th - 27th 2019 organized by the Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) at Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel, Medan.
Carrying the theme “APJII Actively Supports the Availability of Infrastructure for Members in Increasing Indonesia's Fixed Broadband Penetration”, it is expected to increase internet penetration that has occurred so far.
Based on the 2018 internet survey and user behavior in Indonesia conducted by APJII, it is known that the number of internet users in this country has reached 171.17 million people or 64.8 percent of the total population. Therefore, this event is a form of APJII's efforts to increase solidity and the central role of the organization which is now 23 years old in Indonesia.
According to the Chairperson of APJII, Jamalul Izza, the 2019 National Working Meeting and OPM is a momentum for APJII to be more aggressive in increasing internet penetration in Indonesia, especially fixed broadband. And PGNCOM also did not waste the opportunity to be present at the event to contribute to the advancement of internet quality in Indonesia.