PGNCOM's President Director, Mr. Larassetyo Wibowo received the Best CEO in The Digital Transformation of Gas Services award at the 14th Anugerah BUMN Award.

BUMN Track as the organizer of Anugerah BUMN, this year is also fully supported by PPM Manajemen in the scope of its judging. Anugerah BUMN is a prestigious award event given to BUMN and BUMN people for their outstanding performance and achievements. The 13th annual Anugerah BUMN's theme "Business Reinvention to Optimize Business Opportunities in Industry 4.0".

Health Research EXPO (HRE) Seminar 2019

Health Research EXPO (HRE) Seminar 2019

In the context of the Health Research Expo (HRE), which is an annual activity of FK-KMK, a one-day s

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Cooperation between PT INTI (Persero) and PT PGAS Telekomunikasi Nusantara (PGNCOM) in the Development of ICT and IoT Solutions

Cooperation between PT INTI (Persero) and PT PGAS Telekomunikasi Nusantara (PGNCOM) in the Development of ICT and IoT Solutions

Few days ago, PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) or PT INTI (Persero) and PT PGAS Teleko

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PGNCOM Achieved Zero Work Accident Award, 6 times in a row

PGNCOM Achieved Zero Work Accident Award, 6 times in a row

The sixth award is a true testament to the company's efforts and dedication of creating a s

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